The Fundamentals of Menstrual Cycle Health and Awareness 

A comprehensive and practical overview of how nutrition and lifestyle impact the menstrual cycle and associated hormones from puberty to menopause.
  • Practitioner Level (written to UK Level 4 / Irish level 6
  • 80+ Hours Study
  • Externally Quality Assured
  • Supported Study
  • Self-Paced
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Course Overview

Discover the profound wisdom and sacredness of femininity through newfound awareness, knowledge, and expert guidance.

Are you a wellness professional or health coach passionate about enhancing women's health and well-being?

Join our online course that blends the ancient wisdom and holistic approach of eastern medicine with modern scientific research, nutrition strategies, and lifestyle medicine. Created by 3 female health experts who each bring their area of expertise for a truly holistic approach

Unlock a deeper understanding of the menstrual cycle's profound influence on hormones, health, and overall well-being.

Learn to recognise it's four phases and their impact on physical, mental and emotional health.
Gain expertise in identifying common hormonal imbalances and their underlying causes.

Acquire evidence-based nutrition and lifestyle strategies tailored to support women throughout each phase of their cycle as well as through various life stages, including puberty, peri-menopause, and menopause.
Become a powerful ally to empower women to embrace and honour their natural rhythms, transforming this sacred aspect of femininity with new awareness, knowledge and expert guidance.

This course will teach you how to:

  • Recognise the four phases of the menstrual cycle and how they influence physical, mental and emotional health 
  • Identify common hormonal imbalances and their root causes
  • Apply evidence-based nutrition and lifestyle strategies to support women at different stages of their cycle and life transitions through puberty, peri-menopause and menopause
  • Empower women to embrace their cyclical nature and use it as a tool for personal growth and happiness

Certification and Quality Assurance

Upon completion, receive a downloadable e-certificate of achievement from The Wellness Evolution, along with a detailed unit transcript showcasing your completed content.

This comprehensive course is approved for 30 CPD hours with the UKIHCA, ensuring certification and quality assurance.

Join us on this transformative journey toward empowering women's health and well-being.

Enroll today!

CPD Recognition

This course is recognised for 30 CPD hours with the the UK & International Health Coaching Association (UKIHCA)
Menstrual CYCLe health and awareness

Start Your Learning Journey

Elevate Your Client Experience: Deliver a Personalized and Holistic Service for Women

Female hormone levels fluctuate every day of our cycles impacting us physically and mentally. Working with your clients to understand their unique cycle and needs can make a profound difference to how they feel both physically and mentally and help them to understand the nutrition and lifestyle support they need during every phase.

Benefit from our comprehensive and ready to use client paperwork

Graduate the course with a comprehensive client toolkit and a wealth practical knowledge and skills to begin using straight away

Study in your own time and at your own pace

Designed with your busy life in mind. At the Wellness Evolution we know that you need to study around your other commitments - thats why we specialise in flexible yet supported learning. 

Course Testimonials

This course was exactly what I was looking for to have the confidence and capacity to really support women through my nutrition and lifestyle coaching. It's sufficiently in-depth to understand the menstrual cycle and hormones and how nutrition and lifestyle factors interact. It's empowered me personally and as a nutrition professional. I highly recommend it as now that I have this knowledge I feel passionately that every woman should I work with is also empowered to make more informed decisions.
- Jasmine Stevens Wong, Nutrition & Lifestyle Coach and Educator

I really enjoyed the contents of the course. To have a deeper awareness of the menstrual cycle and menopausal transition enables me to better support my female clients with health coaching. In fact, I now realise it is essential to have this understanding, and the knowledge I gained from each unit began informing my practice immediately. There are many health goals where hormonal health should be considered, and even if it is not the primary reason a client comes to see me, the knowledge I have gained from the course allows me to confidently educate clients about how the menstrual cycle, menopause and health beyond might be impacted. It also helps me to troubleshoot more accurately and make appropriate referrals when the issues fall outside my scope of practice. My female clients have been really receptive to education about hormonal health and often report how helpful it would have been to know this stuff sooner! The resources provided throughout the course have also been useful.The course has also helped me personally , I understand my cycle like never before and I feel empowered as I move through the next stages.Thank you for putting together another excellent course.
Carla Dennien
Nutrition and Lifestyle Coach

Meet our Team

Suzanne Laurie
Suzanne has a BSc in Health Sciences: Nutritional Therapy. She has worked as a therapist and lecturer in Nutritional Therapy at a number of institutes and universities in the UK and Ireland. Suzanne is also a qualified health and wellness coach and personally instigated the introduction of the first recognised health and wellness coaching qualification to Ireland. She has completed advanced training in this area and incorporated the key skills from this exciting discipline into this courses. Suzanne has also graduated as a MSc in Applied Positive Psychology with Bucks New University.
Olga Gonzalez
Olga is the owner and founder of Perfect Balance Acupuntura in Denia, Spain. She is a Licensed Medical Acupuncturist having graduated with distinction from the CMATCM (College of Medical Acupuncture & Traditional Chinese Medicine) in Ireland.
Olga is also a qualified Clinical and Health Psychologist and holds a Postgraduate degree in Applied Psychology from Jordanstown University, Belfast. She is a Certified Health and Wellness Coach.
Gwen Enright
Gwen has a BSc from UL in Equine Science and then worked as a laboratory technician in a Food Safety setting. She also has a Masters from DIT in Food Science, Technology and Nutrition. For a number of years Gwen taught English as a foreign language while studying at IHS to gain her Diploma in Nutritional Therapy. She graduated in March 2015 and set up her own business, Gwenright Nutrition. Gwen has qualified as a Health & Wellness Coach, which she ties into her Nutritional Therapy business. Her main clientele are mums of all ages, as she specialises in hormones, stress and pregnancy.
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